Business for Sale Sydney
Looking to buy a business in the Sydney and Hills District area?
Not sure what type of business your can afford? Want to know how much it costs to buy a business in the Sydney ?
We have hundreds of businesses for sale in the Sydney area and surrounds.
We have Cafes for Sale, Restaurants for Sale, Takeaway Restaurants for Sale, Food Outlets for Sale, Convenient Stores for Sale, Petrol Stations for Sale, Bottle Shops for Sale, Bars for Sale, Car wash for Sale, Childcare for Sale, Carpet Cleaning for Sale, Dry Cleaners for Sale, Fitness Centres for Sale, Function Centres for Sale, Hair Salons for Sale, News agencies for Sale, Supermarkets for Sale, Espresso Bar for Sale, Fish and Chips for Sale, Thai Restaurants for Sale, Seafood Stores for Sale, Pizza shops for Sale and so much more.
There are many things you need to consider before buying an existing business. Here are just a few to think about:
Why is the Vendor selling the business?
What are the fixed and variable costs? What are the staff costs?
Have you analysed the financial records and possibly had your accountant look at them?
Is the business profitable?
Will it show growth in the coming years?
What assets does the business have? Does it have any liabilities?
Have you and your lawyer reviewed the purchase agreement carefully?
Have you got a business plan and Marketing Plan?
How much will it cost to buy an existing business in Sydney?
Working out how much it costs to buy a business in Sydney can be daunting – Check out our How much is my business worth? article to get an idea of what a business may be worth.